8 of the best TikTok accounts from 2021 to follow – The Verge

December 25, 2021 by No Comments

Maybe you’re new to TikTok, or perhaps you’ve been on the app for a couple of years and would like to find some new accounts to follow. While the algorithm does a shockingly great job of surfacing videos a user might like, it’s easy to get stuck in a bubble of repetitive content, so you’re seeing the same creators again and again or hearing one trending sound just a little too often.

I spend a lot of my downtime perusing TikTok, and I take pride in the list of accounts I follow. So much pride that I’ve got a sizable list of all the creators I’d recommend following. They range from creators who dole out advice to a forager and even to a heavy metal vocalist. If you’re just starting out on TikTok, these accounts are a great place to start. If you’ve been using it for a while, then unless we have the same algorithm, these accounts will be a good way to freshen up the videos you normally see.

It never fails — when I’m feeling particularly emotional or stressed, oldtimehawkey pops on my For You page with his friendly catchphrase, “Well, hello there, buddy!” This creator’s videos are so calming, invoking a sense of serenity through the screen. The creator takes his followers through the marsh he lives in, alongside his dog. In most videos, he’ll cook himself and the viewer up a little something, split a couple of cold pops, and finally, he’ll have us sit down with him as he watches old VHS tapes or plays vintage Nintendo games.

Mercury is one of the first creators I followed on TikTok out of sheer desperation after a few phone calls to my apartment’s maintenance team for embarrassingly easy fixes. She goes by Trans Handy Ma’am, and she doles out repair advice, life advice, and frequent hilarious anecdotes. Her videos have helped me on so many occasions that I actually keep some saved in my phone to send to friends in case they ever need repair advice.

Jacob Soule, better known as theplantprodigy on TikTok, is my go-to for advice on how to keep my plants alive. He offers helpful, often sassy explainers on different plant types and how to take care of them. Additionally, he debunks a lot of viral plant “hacks” and tips, which saves me a lot of time. Admittedly, even after having followed him for nearly a year now, I still have …….

Source: https://www.theverge.com/22840187/tiktok-creators-best-accounts-follow-fyp-2021


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